I’m Eve Posner, authorized distributor of OrCam assistive smart cameras. My background is in social work, and 7 years ago, I transitioned to represent OrCam.
I offer people of all ages a solution for accessing visual information. Their difficulties may be due to vision impairment, blindness, reading, language and learning disabilities. I’ve worked with hundreds of people, with many different conditions,
ages 8 - 96 from the USA and abroad.
I enjoy and am enriched by these interpersonal interactions and meeting people from all walks of life. I feel honored to share information about how an OrCam device increases people's confidence everyday.
As a distributor, I explain how OrCam tech works, and train users so they get started on the right path.
Each customer is treated with the utmost personal attention to make sure their introduction to OrCam is easy and customized to their needs.
My relationship with clients is ongoing even after training finishes. I am available via phone or text to support people on their OrCam journey!
GetOrCam.com explains the technology, device models available and offers user stories. I hope you visit the website and learn about this award-winning AI based assistive tech. It’s simple to use but advanced in what it does: empower people by increasing independence in daily activities.
Visit our blog to read interesting stories about OrCam and meet some of our users.